There are two heart warmers that are at the top of the “cutest” lists. We’re talking about adorable babies and cuddly puppies. Do you know what’s even cuter? When they’re together!
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A mother’s time spent with her baby is so special, particularly during their first year. However, once a baby begins moving around it is not so easy to keep up with the routine you are used to.
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When you’re a parent, you want to remember everything. That’s why there are so many pregnancy and baby journals out there. While pictures are a great way to capture events, some things are better off in video format.
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When you’re a parent, there’s never an end to the cuteness that unfolds when you have a baby. If you want to make bath time even cuter–especially the time after a bath–why not try a super cute baby bathrobe?
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Today food allergies are becoming more and more common among Americans. According to a study released in 2013 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, food allergies increased approximately 50% between 1997 and 2011.
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It’s that time of the year where we are all dreaming of blue skies and even bluer water!
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Bringing a child into the world is a beautiful experience! Going through life with your baby day by day means that every day is always filled with new adventures.
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The rate at which infants develop is quite fascinating. While every baby is different and each one develops at his or her own speed, here are some of the most fascinating things that babies learn to do first: 1. Tricks Newborns don’t just sleep, eat, and poop!
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Most parents have experienced the struggle that goes along with weaning a child off his or her pacifier. Some children might be easier to break than others, but one thing is for certain, it is a big step in any child’s life.
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