A mother’s time spent with her baby is so special, particularly during their first year. However, once a baby begins moving around it is not so easy to keep up with the routine you are used to. There are certain activities that can be done with babies while they are young and still immobile that Moms likely miss once their baby starts walking.
1. Exercise

At-home exercises are great when you have an infant, but once he starts walking and running around it isn’t as easy to maintain a consistent exercise routine. Focus on getting in your home workouts while he is young and can sleep next to you or stay amused in a swing.
2. Fly

If you are prepared, traveling by plane with an infant can be very enjoyable. Take advantage of your babies infancy and travel to those far destinations by plane while you can.
3. Tea Time

Visiting with friends or family is much easier to do while your baby is immobile. Take the time to enjoy tea time and lunches with friends before your baby is on-the-go.
4. Mom Time

Take time for yourself to do what you love to do. Whether it’s cooking, shopping, painting, etc. most of these things are a lot more difficult to accomplish when your baby begins walking.