Okay. I admit it’s a bit premature to start yakking about the children the soon-to-be-wed (Friday, actually!) royal couple will surely be expecting in the next few years. But this is a blog about babies, so—what else would you expect?
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Makes sense, of course. She and her husband, David Bugliari are both Italian, so the last name is a given. But they’ve narrowed down their choices for a first name for their boy-to-be to three, and according to Alyssa, “We’ll go with a slightly Italian name, so that it goe...
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It’s a good thing babies have egos as small as their pinkies, because they’re at a very vulnerable time in the development of their personal sense of style.
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Bottoms up! Diapers have found a whole new place to hang out. Not just for baby’s bottom anymore, moms everywhere are finding all sorts of great uses for these protective underpants.
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I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring. Enough of these super cold days, rainy weather, snow and ice. My brother says it’s minus 13 degrees in today in Denver with a wind chill factor of minus 30. Ouch! That’s like Eskimo weather if you ask me.
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I’m figuring things should be booming sometime around October, which will be nine months after this winter’s biggest snow event so far. The news was reporting that there was snow on the ground in every state except Florida on one day in mid January, when even parts of the d...
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Earlier this year, we shared the news about twins born on New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. Straddling the stroke of midnight, one was born in 2010, and the other was born in 2011. They were doubly remarkable because of the date and time they were born.
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There’s little bit of magic in being a twin. Having someone there with you from the very beginning to share your life with from the womb, even, is rare.
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Let’s greet the New Year Baby, And pop the champagne cork! aaaHave a healthy, happy New Year! A A A From your friends at Corner Stork!
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You just need to ask yourself if you want to give a gift the new mom and baby can use, or would you rather celebrate the new arrival with something most other babies don’t have—that’s where the “unique baby gift” part comes in.
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