It can be a challenge trying to come up with a costume idea for Halloween, especially if you are pregnant! There are not too many pre-made costumes out there for pregnant women so you most likely have to put together a home-made costume. Whether you are planning to go trick-or-treating with your little ones or have an adult Halloween party to attend, there are plenty of do-it-yourself costume ideas for any and every celebration.
Here are a few creative suggestions for those expecting moms out there who are looking to celebrate the upcoming holiday.
How cute is this pregnant mom and her two little tykes dressed up as her current pregnancy cravings!

photo courtesy of Coolest Homemade Costumes
And this expecting mom with a big ol’ pot of gold at the end of the rainbow!
This family Halloween costume ensemble is so sweet!
This “Pin Cushion Mama” costume is super creative!

photo courtesy of Coolest Homemade Costumes
This Humpty Dumpty Mom and her Humpty Dumpty Hubby costume is perfect for Halloween!
Check out more creative costumes here! Have fun!