The first birthday party is an interesting one. Chances are, your little one won’t even remember it–yet you still want to create something super special. There will be pictures after all! Plus, it’s fun to make it a fantastic occasion for the other kids and parents invited to the shindig.
One of the first choices you’ll need to make about the first birthday party–besides what time to have it–is the theme of the birthday party. We’ve compiled some cool first birthday ideas to get you inspired as you prepare.
- Ice cream social. Most kids love ice cream, even little ones just passing the one-year mark. Pick out several kinds of ice cream for your guests to choose from. You could even turn this into an ice cream potluck so guests bring the ice cream and sundae fixings as well.
- Birthday brunch. Kids love feeling special and grown up. A brunch, replete with tea and little treats, is a good choice for guests of any age.
- Cupcake party. With cupcakes, each child gets a perfectly portioned piece of cake. No fighting over who’s piece is bigger. Plus, you can place a “1” candle in the birthday baby’s cupcake. Having only one candle to blow out is a good choice for someone this young.
- Story time birthday party. One-year-olds love story time! If you’re going to be inviting a lot of younger children, this is a great way to calm down the little ones to give the adults a break. Choose a short children’s book and have your best speaker read it aloud to the kids.
- Cookie party. Not all children love cake. If you’re baby has been introduced to cake already and he or she just wasn’t a fan, go with cookies instead. You could go with iced cutout sugar cookies or provide a wide range of cookie types. This is especially good if your kid has a food allergy since cookie recipes are more versatile than cake recipes.
What fun theme are you going to use for your kid’s first birthday party?