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CNN’s Nancy Grace Gives Birth to Twins

Update as of 12/06/2007: nancy Grace is doing well after delivering her twins and will be back on the air January 7th according to Pictures of mommy and twins have surfaced thanks to Us Magazine and we have them here for you to view. In related news, Nancy was hospitalized for blood clots in her lungs which unfortunately happens with pregnancy sometimes. So if you’re pregnant and find yourself frequently out of breath by doing simple tasks like going up a flight of stairs, it is NOT normal. Please see your family doctor or OB/GYN to get yourself checked out because ignoring it could be a deadly mistake for either you or your baby.

Nancy Grace of CNN fame has just given birth to twins. Only the most avid of watchers even knew that she was expecting, but now she’s not hiding behind the anchor desk. Doctors had to induce labor a full TWO MONTHS before her due date. The “induction” brought a boy and a girl into the world (John David and Lucy Elizabeth). Nancy hosts the legal eagle talk show called, well, “Nancy Grace” on CNN Headline News. Nancy had developed what’s referred to as pulmonary edema, which is essentially fluid in the lungs which swayed the doctors into inducing the labor so early for her own safety.

John David weighed 5 pounds, 1 ounce, and Lucy Elizabeth only weighed a mere 2 pounds, 15 ounces. Surprisingly, even though the children were so light and were induced so early, they are very healthy. Now all we need to do is direct the happy couple over to Corner Stork Baby Gifts special area that showcases awesome gifts for parents of twin siblings.

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